Monday, June 2, 2014

School Uniform

I was lucky enough to score a couple of amazing wins on eBay maybe 12 years ago (man, time flies) - some adult sized proper catholic school uniform dresses.   These are aways a must have for a cross dresser - there is something captivating about uniform.

Anyway.  I had 3 dresses.
One blue gymslip like dress that was very short with a kind of dropped wast with box pleats not he skirt
One green/gold/red plaid gymslip dress that buttoned on the shoulders and had a high empire style waist with box pleats that fell from almost bust level that was also short, but not as short as the blue one
And another plaid one that zipped up the back that more traditionally shaped with a still slightly high waist but was also box pleated.  Kinda like these ones

I also had (of course) a white peter pan collared school shirt that had cute short puff sleeves, some peraline kneed high socks and some black patent mary jane style school shoes.    Awesome.

Be aware, just because I have a fetish for girls school uniforms does not mean I have a thing for actual school girls.

I think the uniform is such a powerful thing as it's a very definitive symbol of being female.  Boys could not ever hope to attend school in a girls uniform.  I spent my teenage years wishing I could attend the girls grammar school all dressed up in the same uniforms, taken under the wing of some gorgeous girls.

The uniform it just a reminder of that time.

Anyways, I love dressing up in these gorgeous official uniforms in public, putting myself in positions of potential humiliation.

I mean, what is more ridiculous than a grown man in a school girl uniform?

Did I mention that I love jeopardy bondage cross dressing humiliation predicaments?  ;)

One time I left a padlock key underneath a streetlamp at the far end of a brightly lit park about a 10 minute walk through residential streets from my house.

Coming back home, I dressed up in one of my school uniforms - the one with the button shoulders I think.  Staring with underwear - a little padded bra and some frilly knickers - not at all school regulation, then the peter pan collar blouse, then the dress, buttoning each shoulder and finally the lacy knee high socks, making sure they were straight and I looked the part in my shiny mary janes.  I locked the front door from the inside and went out to the back garden.  It was about 9pm I think on an autumn evening, so dark, but some people were still about.

I took the back door key, a small length of chain and 2 padlocks, locked the back door so the house was locked and secure and went to the back gate.  The gate led to an access passage behind the row of houses where I lived and then out onto the street.  I unlocked the gate and then locked one end of the chain to the hasp of the gate.  Nervously, I threaded the shackle of the padlock through the hole in the middle of the backdoor key and hooked on the last link of the chain, now dangling from the lock on the gate.   Once the padlock was locked, the only way back into the house was via the key under the lamppost in the park 15 minutes walk away.

Theres a moment when I'm squeezing the padlock just before it locks, where it could click locked at any moment.  Time stands still and theres a moment when I can still back out.  It's a feeling that gives me butterflies even thinking about it.

Then I give it a tiny squeeze too far and 'click' - its locked and I'm committed.

I pull on the chain trying to see if theres a way out.  It's futile of course.  It's a sturdy chain locked with decent locks to the hasp of the back gate.  I made sure of that.

Now I have to go get the padlock key.

I wait nervously in the dark by my back gate, listening for movement, for sounds.  There are none.  I pick my way down the alley and sit, heart pounding in the dark, waiting before I have to walk into the orange-lit street.

What the fuck have I done? I can't do this!

I have to walk through residential street until I hit a small path that leads to the park.  That path is probably the worst bit as it's narrow and winds around the front of a lot of houses.  It's not well lit, but there is nowhere to hide if someone comes.

My heart in my mouth, I start walking, my mary jane shoes lightly clip clopping on the pavement, to me this sounds jackhammer loud and will give me away in an instant, but none is there.  I can hear the sound of televisions inside houses and the odd car driving by somewhere.  I carry on, committed now, no way back, or I'll be back in my garden looking at the useless backdoor key, still locked to the gate.

Further and further away from my house I walk.  Down the streets, dressed as a catholic school girl in a very short school pinafore.  I make my way to the first of the little alley way paths and pray there is no-one walking down the other way.  Its dark enough that even if they were they might not get a good look.  Thats no comfort.  I'm fairly short and reasonably fit, but even under the makeup, I'll still a man, a pretty one perhaps, but still a man.

Finally, I'm out of the darkness of the path and into the open of the park.  It's a big park, grassed with a childs play area.  And with a brightly lit path running through the middle.  Right at the end is my key.  I decide to just go for it and walk boldly around the path, with as feminine steps and manner as I can muster.  At last I have the key in my hand.

Now I have to walk back, with all the same possibilities and chances of getting caught.

Why the hell do I do this to myself?!

I get home, having walked for 30 minutes in public dressed up in a school uniform.

I unlock the back door key and finally I'm safe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm shaking just reading about it. I'd love to try something that daring.WOW.
